The management is pleased to bring to the great people of Rome Plautus's Amphitryo (first staged in 559 AUC) on the opening day of the forthcoming Ludi Romani. This bawdy comedy, which is on location in the Greek city of Thebes, features two great gods in a most playful mood. Jupiter disguises himself as the army general Amphitryo in order to spend the night with the unsuspecting Alcmena, Amphitryo's virtuous wife. Mercury has been commanded by his father to impersonate Amphitryo's slave Sosia in order to keep everyone away from the house while Jupiter is inside enjoying yet another amorous affair with a mortal woman. The plot is full of comic surprises and tragic apprehensions with a heroic ending, the birth of the demi-god Hercules! Mercury describes it as a tragicomoedia (Amph.54).
Just now you come upon two of our very best actors rehearsing the scene of the midnight encounter in front of Amphitryo's palace between Mercury as Sosia and Sosia, the real slave, who has been sent to announce Amphitryo's triumphant arrival to Alcmena. If you click on each of the bots below (start with Mercury), the actors will tell you more about themselves, the scene, and how to eavesdrop on their rehearsal. Just don't interrupt them while they're talking! Once you see a few lines of their brawl, you'll be sure to return for the whole play!
The plot summary below, translated from the Latin, is not by Plautus, but it will give you some idea of the plot.
Jupiter, seized with love of Alcmena, changed himself into the form of her husband Amphitryo while he engages in battle with the enemy for the sake of his country. Mercury gives service to him (Jupiter) in the guise of Sosia. He deceives the servant and the master who are arriving. Amphitryo starts a quarrel with his wife and they (Amphitryo and Jupiter) charge each other with being adulterers. Blepharo, brought in as an arbitrator, is unable to decide which is Amphitryo. They (the mortals) come to learn the whole affair. She (Alcmena) gives birth to twins. |