Officina Philadelphi [D. Jacques]

You see before you the workplace of Magister Philadelphus--poor fellow! Unravelling scrolls, upended codices and crumpled papyri sheets spill from his desk and shelves like a Campanian garden gone riot. Amidst the clutter you hear the quiet hum of Magister's trusty computer, the "sine qua non" of his existence. Philadelphus has kindly arranged for one of his students to keep an eye on the office and help make visitors feel at home when the master isn't in--or when he's too enmeshed in thought to be disturbed!

You may converse with Discipulus by issuing the command SALVE DISCIPULE in the text entry window at the very bottom (i.e., unless you are browsing "anonymously"). When you respond to Discipulus (or to any "[ro]bot" or live person in VRoma), put a single set of quotation marks (") at the beginning of your response--don't put any at the end. Then hit the ENTER or RETURN key. When finished, you may silence Discipulus merely by issuing the command VALE DISCIPULE (or HUSH DISCIPULUS).

Philadelphus thanks you for stopping in. Do come again!
You see: